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At Concorde International you can choose to study for the IELTS and Cambridge examinations.

  • For students aged 16+

  • Elementary to Advanced Levels

  • PM 10 hours – Monday to Thursday

Features of the Course

  • Intensive preparation with practice exam papers
  • Practise with academic tests
  • Special coaching for examination techniques
  • External examinations can be arranged with examining boards
  • Regular opportunities to enter for examinations
  • Individual counselling for exams



IELTS exams are held at regular intervals throughout the year. An IELTS score is generally required for entry into University or work in the UK.



IELTS exam dates

Cambridge English Examinations

Concorde International

These Cambridge courses offer globally recognised exams leading to confident communication and success in the real world.

FCE – CEFR B2 First

  • Gerunds & Infinitives
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Comparatives & superlatives
  • Mixed Conditionals
  • Reported speech
  • Contrasting conjunctions
  • Gapped text
  • Cloze text
  • Word formation
  • Error correction
  • Exam training with practice papers




CAE – CEFR C1 Advanced

  • Gapped texts
  • Multiple matching
  • Lexical appropriacy
  • Grammar & vocabulary
  • Proposals
  • Writing
  • Structure and content
  • Articles
  • Reports; speaking descriptively
  • Formally & informally,
  • Exam preparation with practice papers