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This programme is suitable for students who need to improve their English fluency, and is essential preparation for entering higher education at a British university for undergraduate level study.

  • AM 15 hours per week

  • Intermediate to Advanced (CEFR B1+ to C2; IELTS 4.5 to 7.5+)

Key features:

  • Class size (maximum 10 students); interaction with multi-national students
  • Academic Project and presentation work (assessed end of course assignment with feedback)
  • Contact time (60 hours); flip-course approach (independent study)
  • Familiarity with IT systems, webinars, e-learning platforms and e-materials

Course aims:

To use language for a range of academic purposes

description, comparison, explanation, evaluation, persuasion, problem solving, cause and effect, argument

To develop academic skills

writing assignments, delivering presentations, researching online

To develop reflection and critiquing academic texts

selecting information from different sources; supporting an academic argument

To participate more effectively online in a global, academic environment

Key skills you will learn

• Critical thinking
• Effective note taking
• Gist reading
• Research skills
• Active participation in seminars and debates
• Sourcing and analysing text/ citing conventions
• Collecting arguments for/against particular opinions


• Confident use of English in oral argument and written assignments
• Ability to present arguments coherently and logically, citing sources
• More positive outlook - ready for University or academic research