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An integrated high school experience

Our Buddy Programme offers your students a fantastic opportunity to experience life in a British state school, attending regular classes such as Science, History or Maths alongside a ‘Buddy’ with whom they share the school day: classes, lunch and break times, sports afternoons, and any extra-curricular activities.
  • For 11- to 15-year-olds during UK term time.
  • From September to June

Buddy Programme Only

1 or 2 weeks’ full immersion in school with English Buddies.

Buddy Programme Plus

1 week with Concorde International EFL teachers plus 1 or 2 weeks’ full immersion in school with English Buddies.

Both programmes can incorporate cultural activities and excursions led by Concorde International staff, in addition to the time spent at the school. The choice is yours!

The ‘Buddy’ will not usually be a member of a student’s host family, but will be specially selected by the school staff from among a group of motivated pupils who have chosen to be part of the Buddy Programme. Students and Buddies are paired (one-to-one) for the duration of the programme, often resulting in friendships that last well beyond the flight home.
Each buddy school has a liaison officer who will assist the accompanying Group Leader during the programme, and a Concorde International member of staff will be available at all times.

Sample Programme